![]() | Volusia County Emergency Management Volusia ARES 3825 Tiger Bay Rd #102 Daytona Beach, FL 32124 Voicemail: 386-256-8404 E-Mail: contact@volusiaares.org |
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The Best Ham Radio Antenna: POTA PERformer HF Vertical
POTA PERformer – KJ6ER - White River Radio & Communications
On March 15, 2025, Cub Scouts from Central Florida participated in Scouts Ranges and Radios event. The Scouts participated in archery, BB guns, other activities and were introduced to ham (also known as amateur) radio.
Amateur radio organizations including the Volusia County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association, and the West Volusia Amateur Radio Society participated. Not only were the scouts introduced to amateur radio, but many of them were assisted in getting on the air.
Glenn French N2WEA, president of the West Volusia Amateur Radio Society has pledged six HT radios to the first six scouts to get their ham licenses. He also gave the scouts souvenir QSL cards for their contacts.
Carl Clauson KK4ZYX introduced the scouts to CW (Morse Code) and gave them CW keys so they can practice.
It was a good event and everyone seemed to have a good time.
147.150 MHz +127.3
Temporary Switch to 147.150 MHz +127.3
Temporary Switch to 147.150 MHz +127.3
The Daytona Beach CERT Amateur Radio Team would like to invite you to participate with us in the Florida QSO Party (FQP), April 26 and 27.
We often field 2 "Expedition" stations for the FQP. One SSB station and one CW station. In years past both stations traveled together stopping in 3 to 5 counties each of the 2 days of the operating activity. On the Saturday night of the FQP, all participating operators meet at a restaurant for dinner before finishing the first operating day. On the Sunday of the event, the 2 teams meet at a starting point and travel through 3 or 4 counties before finishing back in Volusia County.
The FQP operating periods are 1200-2200 Eastern Time on Saturday and 0800-1800 Eastern Time on Sunday. 2 10 hour operating periods. The original operating plan was a long day and rather tiring.
Our original operating plan was inefficient and didn't keep our callsign on the air as much as it could be. Two years ago, DBCERT ART petitioned the organizers of the FQP asking to operate as a "modified" Expedition. The organizers agreed to the modified plan with the stipulation that the callsign N4DAB could only be used by of of the stations in our group at a time. Because of personal issues and impediments, DBCERT has not yet been able to implement the modified plan. This year we hope to make that happen.
The modified plan calls for at least 2 stations: 1 SSB and the other CW. The two stations plan 2 different routes (to put more Florida counties on the air each operating day.) The two stations alternate operating hours. At the beginning of the 10 hour day, one station begins operating while the other gets to its first county location. At the end of the first operating hour, the station that was operating shuts down and moves to its next county. The other station begins operating for the next hour. At the top of each hour, the operating station stops and the other station starts up. This goes on all day of both operating periods.
The benefits include: N4DAB is on the air all of each operating hour with each hour offering a different county for out of state stations to contact. (Out of state stations seek to work all 67 counties in FL.) With the alternating plan, each team gets a 1 hour break every other hour. It's pretty simple, more relaxing and less tiring.
In years past, DBCERT ART has invited interested operators to join our teams for the FQP. Today, we invite you to join us. While we would prefer those who join us to operate both days, it is not mandatory. We have a fun time, a great Saturday night supper and get to be the desired stations that hundreds, (if not thousands,) of out of state operators WANT to work. It's a wonderful combination of radio operation, socializing and new experiences.
We typically use N3FJP's FL QSO Party logging software. Icom 7300 radios and portable verticals or Buddipole horizontal antennas. Batteries and small generators provide power. We spend most of our operating time on 20 during the day and 40 into the evening hours. All equipment is provided by DBCERT ART. (If you prefer CW operating, bring the key or keyer paddle of your choice.)
Have questions? Interested in joining us for the FQP?? Contact Frank Haas KB4T at kb4t@kb4t.us or 386-316-7899. Be ready to provide your name, callsign, telephone number and preferred mode of operation.
Frank Haas KB4T
Vice President, DBCERT ART
P. S. This is a rare and special opportunity to join experienced operators on a fun adventure. Call or write now!
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The next meeting will be held at 7pm on April 29th, 2025 at
The Volusia County Emergency Management
Building 3825
Tiger Bay Rd #102
Daytona Beach, FL 32124